Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009 part 3

the weekend before christmas we did a whole lotta celebratin'. 
friday night we had christmas with my mom & david (grammy & grandpa david)
it was a nice, low-key evening.

sawyer loves grandpa david's beard.
and he really loves pockets full of interesting stuff.

one of the gifts the boys got were bendaroos.
avery said excitedly "yay! i prayed to Jesus for these." 

melt. my. heart. 

the boys got a big surprise from grammy.
"what's this doing here??" they say when they find it on our doorstep. 
so fun.

they have had a blast driving it all over the yard.
i somehow didn't get a picture of mom in all the busyness. bummer.

that night aj & i got ready for our family christmas the next morning.
it was so fun getting their stockings all ready and gifts set out.
i just get so excited thinking about their faces when they see their gifts in the morning.
and they did not disapoint.
poor little third child just gets a lame-o bag for a stocking.

the last two years we've done one gift each and a stocking full of little fun things.
don't feel sorry for them, they get plenty of other gifts from extended family.
plus we are abounding in love and joy and that's enough, right?? :)
we talked a lot about spending less on us so we have more to give. 

who knew pipe cleaners could be so thrilling?
love watching them exclaim over each little thing.
such happy hearts those boys have.

finley got his own big play tool set.
he wants to be a "builder" when he grows up.

Avery got pixos which he's talked about for-ev-er. 
He was beyond excited!

sawyer mostly enjoyed digging through all the big boy stuff.

on sunday we had family christmas with my dad, step mom, little sister, neice, nephew and God-sent-sister, christine and her family.

my precious daddy reading the christmas he does every year.

sawyer and sweet berea.
why do we always insist on putting a present bow on a baby's head?

attempting to take a picture with grandaddy and grandmama

the best shot we got

we just did kid gifts with this group.
that way we were able to use the money we would have spent on each other and give it to sweet friends who are being Jesus' hands and feet to the "least of these." 
we wrote each other letters of encouragement as our gift. thanks Mel, for the great idea.

okay, you just have to endure one more 2009 christmas post and then i'll be done. :) Pin It


  1. endure? my foot. I have loved every minute of it. I wish I could have seen the boys when they realized the car was theirs. FREAK OUT!!! I bet it was priceless!
    And... I don't feel sorry for them about the one present thing. Dasun and I want to do the same thing with our girls. I feel thankful that they have a momma and daddy teaching them the JOY of giving to others. So blessed to have you in our lives.

    Thank you for the Neufeld's Lord. Thank you for drawing them to you and guiding their steps. Please continue to hold them close, protect them, bless them, and give them wisdom. In Your precious name I pray. Amen

  2. I L-O-V-E your posts! However, I insist you get that sweet baby a stocking!

  3. The one present thing is great. Last year a friend of ours said that his kids get three presents each. He explained that it was enough for baby Jesus so it was enough for them. We've decided to adopt that philosophy as well. Less is definitely more!


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