Friday, January 8, 2010

Christmas 2009 part B

i love the whole season of the weeks following up to it.
the holiday music playing in all of the stores.
the lights, the parties, the baking....all that.

just a few snap shots from that time . . .

 *you can click on the collage to make it larger. :)

clockwise from top left:
1. the boys opening a window on our advent calendar...keeping the focus where it should be.
2. my love & i on our anniversary night, taken by a 6 year old. :)
3. boys decorating their christmas cut out rice krispie treats
4. their finished work
5. finley's preschool christmas performance. he was so cute. he sang each song so well.
6. avery's christmas musical theatre performance, balloon drop at the end. very exciting.
7. avery doing his speaking part in the performance. he was a "wise guy" and "narrator 4." :)
8 [middle]. avery's 1st grade class christmas party. Pin It

1 comment:

  1. Avery took a pretty good picture! (I'm assuming Avery took it...unless you invited a random 6 year-old into your house to take a picture of you.)


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