Tuesday, January 26, 2010

thoughts on today.

I'm trying so hard to enjoy each day and not just think of them as days to check off the calendar until Spring. I often feel like January and February are just months to "get through."
I don't want to be that way. What if these are my last 2 months to live? I'm not promised tomorrow.
A friend had his facebook status as "Today is the only January 26 of this year. Make the most of it."
That has really stuck with me. Make the most of every single day.
Even the mundane.
the sweeping floors.
the wiping noses.
the folding the milllioneth load of laundry.
the driving from here to there and back again.

"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 188:24

p.s. the picture has nothing to do with this post.  
a jar full of pink hearty marshmallows just makes me happy. :) Pin It


  1. I SO needed to read this today!!! Thank you for the timely reminder!

  2. so true...and Ava was touched by the marshmallows! Now "we need some!"

  3. Thanks for this reminder, Sara. It was a real encouragement to me and I was reminded of it all during the day yesterday. (We had a rough day with Jackson) I'm linking your post on my blog. Hope that's ok!


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