Monday, March 15, 2010

sometimes i like to pretend i live in the woods.

i big-puffy-heart-love this rug.
high-ever it is too expensive.
but i'm really really fond of it.
i scoured the internets yesterday for one for a steal and none was to be found.
but isn't it lovely?
there are several different versions.
 there's a pottery barn version and martha stewart version (here & here)  and i'm sure other fancy-pants versions.
i love the modern/woodsy/clean/airy look.  love.

i'm a huge fan of all things faux bois (“fake wood” in french). 

etsy has loads of fun faux bois.  here's some of my faves:

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

also digging this pillow from ikea....why oh why do we not have an ikea anywhere close?!

if you want some great faux bois inspiriation, check out  it's knot wood. 

do you hate that rug and think i have no taste for liking it?
that's okay, i'll still be your friend. :) Pin It


  1. Like that pillow. most ikea stuff is available for order online or through their catalog.

  2. i just don't want to pay shipping. :/

  3. i love almost everything you posted except the rug. but you are generally up on the trends sooner and my taste tends to follow trends, so I'll probably be on board soon.


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