Monday, February 18, 2013

have i said that i'm ready for spring?

well, shoot.
i thought we had made it through flu season unscathed.

yes, ruby has been sick pretty much all winter, but the rest of us have sailed through and missed most of the crud.
the big boys came down with it on friday and spent most of the weekend laying around and recovering.
can i just say, praise Jesus for tamiflu.

ruby had a wonderful few days of being well and it was so fun to see her sweet personality.

she went to bed saturday night as happy as a clam and woke up sunday morning congested and pitiful.
it hit so fast.
makes this mama heart so sad.
i'm so ready for my girl to be well.
we went back to the doctor this morning {i feel like i live there lately} and of course she has a double ear infection again.
she has an appointment with an ear, nose, & throat doctor on friday so i'm hoping we get a good solution.

we all stayed home from church on sunday and made the most of our day with baked oatmeal, hot tea & some family game playing.

oh and m&ms.
chocolate is necessary.

by last night i developed a really painful cough that feels like it's in my lungs.
i haven't determined if i caught whatever virus is going through this house or if it's from running in the early hours of the day in the freezing cold.
probably not my smartest idea to date.

so that's my sad tale.
praying that we're all on the mend and that this is the end of it.

so long winter, i'm done with you. i never really liked you to begin with.

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  1. hey- so this is anecdotal and not necessarily the case for Ruby, but when I was a kid I had ear infections every 6 weeks like clockwork....until a nurse practitioner told my mom to cut out all dairy for me. After that, I never had another one. I outgrew my milk allergy issues when I was 8 or 9, and the ear infections never came back. But from about ages 1-4 I lived at the doctors office and on antibiotics. Hope you get some answers from ear, nose, and throat specialist! So hard to see your babies sick and hurting. No bueno.

    1. Thank you so much Liz! I'm willing to try anything at this point! Someone else mentioned allergies and that seemed strange to me. I didn't know they could be connected but its worth a try! Thanks so much!!

  2. awww, hope you are all feeling well very soon.
    yes, this winter it seems like everyone is getting sick all of the time. it's crazy. get better.

  3. So sorry everyone is under the weather and hoping you are all on the mend soon!! Be sure to take care of you, too - earlier in the winter my sister-in-law was so busy taking care of her crew and ignoring her own symptoms that she ended up with pneumonia!!

  4. So sorry you guys are all sick! Braden is out today too with a double ear infection. :( I'm so thankful it's a once-in-a-while thing for him. Hope everyone feels better soon!


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