Tuesday, February 12, 2013

valentines week check in.

january and february are supposed to be those slow, cozy up inside, take it easy months of the year.
not really happening this year.
i do have four kids after all.
and i'm crazy enough to be homeschooling them part time and also sending them to a school that is awesome and has big projects and events like Lords and Ladies day.

oh and also, we signed a contract on a house last week.
and also rhea lana's consignment sale is coming up. . . .which means i'm preparing loads of clothes to sell right now plus i will be working at the sale a bunch.

so things are . . . busy around here.
this week especially.

four kids = four kids valentines and four kids valentines parties and four kids special treats for said valentines parties.
my goal is to make this week really fun and not stress my kids out in the process!

avery's fourth grade is having Lords and Ladies day on Valentines.
it's an all day event and it's going to be awesome...but the prep is a little intense.

they each have a medieval character that they will be dressed up all day.
we will have games and events and food all around the medieval theme.

i think it will be really fun day for the kids.
but i will be ready to be done with big projects for a while . . . not that we will be done. . . i will just be ready for it. ;)

okay.....back to my list...

hope you are all having a great week! Pin It

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