Tuesday, February 26, 2013


hey guys.
well, yes, i am still stick. . . but definitely on the mend.
i am over the flu but i am still really congested and just basically yucky in the head.
but i am feeling much better...thank you for all your sweet well wishes.  :)

last week was a verrry long week.
it was freezing cold and the boys had a snow day which actually was more of a sleet day.
nothing really fun to play in.
now that the boys are at a university model school, when they miss school, we have to make up the work.
therefore, snow days are not so much fun.
it actually means a lot more work.
but our teachers were gracious and slimmed down the work and we were able to make the most of our extra time.
being sick plus having nasty weather just made the week drag on.
but it did in fact end...as all hard things do....eventually. ;)

somehow arkansas didn't get the memo that it's almost march.
we are having another week of freezing cold weather.
i keep telling myself that i will reeeeally appreciate the nice, sunny weather when it comes. :)

also, panic attack alert: less than 3 weeks until we close on our new house!
holy. cow.
so excited!

so our current house is a whole lot of this:

and this: 

trying to get a little done at a time so it doesn't pile up into a nightmare at the end.
we shall see......

last week was pretty much a wash so i'm hoping to make up time this week.
my goal right now is to go through all the hard decision making stuff that people can't really help me with.
you know, papers and pictures and memory stuff.
then at the end people can help me do easy stuff (like packing dishes) that don't really require decision making.
i have no great way to organize memory stuff. i just have them all stuffed into tubs for right now.
maybe someday i'll discover some amazing, easy, thing to do from pinterest but for right now, the tubs are good.

we close on march 15 but we have this house until the end of the month so that gives us some extra time to clean and get the other house all ready for us. :)

pretty exciting . . . and nervewracking. . . and overwhelming.
deep breaths.

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  1. Congrats on getting a new house!!!!!!! HOW FUN!!!! Can't wait to see decor posts!!!!

  2. Congratulations on closing on your new house soon!
    Very exciting. Good luck with the move! Now you can make wonderful memories in your new home.

  3. Glad you're feeling better! Did I miss a house post somewhere? Didn't know you had bought one and were moving!

  4. Glad you are feeling better! Moving/packing is never fun - good luck!

  5. Ah moving...the joys. Hope you start feeling better so you can really get into it. ...You know, as much as you can GET IN to moving ;)

  6. Congrats on the house! I hope the move is as easy as possible and not panic attack inducing (though I'm sure I would have several if it were me!). :)


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