Tuesday, February 19, 2013

sick day.

you know how in the back of your head you think it might be nice to be sick so you can lay in bed all day and watch movies and drink tea and avoid all your responsibilities?

and then you remember you're a mom and you have to carry on through the sickness because that's what mom's do?

yeah. well that was me yesterday.
then i had a really rough night and AJ felt sorry for me and offered to take the day off work.
cue the hallelujah chorus.

i was at the walk-in clinic at 6:55 this morning so i could be first in line.
and first in line i was.
then was informed that the doctors had a once a month meeting and wouldn't be in until 8:30.
wah. wah.
welp, no matter, i signed my name on that list and settled into the cold waiting room.

good news: i'm totally caught up on the news.
now i remember why i don't watch the news.
also i was able to make some headway in my chronological Bible reading plan.
i'd gotten behind what with all the sickness abounding.
Jesus afforded me some extra reading time. ;)

also, good news, i didn't punch the nurse when she did the nose swab flu test and the stick-a-q-tip-half-way-down-your-throat strep test.
crisis averted.
it should be noted, i feel like i'm mostly a really good patient with needles and such, but i do not prefer, the sticking of q-tips where they don't belong.

anyhoo, positive for flu, so off i went to drive around town to 3 pharmacies to get my script for tamaflu filled.
and then back home to bed.

sooooo thankful that AJ works for a very family company that said, yes! go home and take care of your wife!

also super thankful for sweet friends who go above and beyond to bless us and love on us.
honestly, it makes me realize how far i have to go as a friend and servant of others.
i hope i'm learning.

oh yeah also, just a reminder, staying in bed all day is really not that fun for a busy body like me.
i'm getting a little stir crazay.
but i'm not gonna complain.
AJ is taking care of the kids, brining me food and drink, and generally doting on me.
thank.ful. X1000

okay, guess i better get back to downton.
the dowager countess awaits . . .

p.s. will someone remind me to get a flu shot next year? kthanks. Pin It


  1. aww, hope you are feeling better. my husband and i also didn't get the flu shot...yikes. hope we can stay healthy, although, i see people are getting sick everywhere.take care of yourself.

  2. Are you still sick? Poor thing! I have a friend with the flu- it sounds horrible!


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