Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day

Yesterday was my idea of a perfect day. I love a family day so much. We got up early, as usual with 2 busy boys, and went for a run. AJ pushed the boys in the jogger stroller and I ran beside, which made it almost even, but not really. Speaking of running, I've just decided that I like to run....crazy. AJ trained all last winter for a half-marathon he and his dad and Jill ran in April. To me, it just looked like torture. No one looks all that happy when they're running. Anyhow, last week I just decided to start running. Now I've run 5 mornings in the last week and a half and I really like it. I'm up to almost 3 miles. I forgot how much I love being outside that early in the morning. It's so beautiful. On the days I'm not running I've been doing sit ups and lunges...I am attempting to get somewhat toned before our trip to the beach in August.

Back to our day, then we took Jill (she's living with us for the summer) and went for brunch at Cracker Barrel. I just really love Cracker Barrel...nothing like a good Southern breakfast. Yum. After that we drove around looking at houses and then went home to start on yard work. The boys ran around finding worms and frogs while AJ and worked on the yard. I love working on the yard with AJ on a beautiful day. Very satisfying.

In the evening we went to my mom's for a cook out and fire works. The boys love going out there. They live in the country and have plenty of room to wander around and play with the dogs. On the way home, we watched fireworks out the window.

Such a good day.
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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fabulous day! However, enough of that; I'M FREAKING EXCITED YOU'RE HAVE A BLOG!!! Yay!

    I hate you that you run 3 miles, hy-ever.


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