Thursday, July 19, 2007

Just a little bit of rambling . . .

Well.......tomorrow we are leaving for Kansas City for the 2nd annual Neufeld family trip o' fun..... KC is about 3 1/2 hours away from each of us, so it's a good middle ground. We all stay in a hotel and just spend time relaxing, eating, swimming, etc. I think it will be fun and Avery is ready to go, yesterday. He asks me everyday when we are going to Kansas City. He LOVES staying in a hotel. He also loves his grandparents and loves playing with his cousin, Drew. AJ's sister, Tonya, is 8 months pregnant, so I can't wait to see her pregnant belly... I seriously love a pregnant girl.

Now I need to get a little mommy venting out of my system. My boys, as much as I adore them, are giving me a real struggle right now. They are wearing me out!!! Avery goes in major phases as far as his behavior is concerned. He's up and down, good weeks and bad weeks. Right now is a rough week. He definitely has shining moments, but they seem to be drowned out by the 400 other times during the day that he didn't obey, whined, fussed, etc. I am trying SO HARD to be a patient mommy. It is clear that I cannot do this on my own. God, give me patience!!!! One thing that I am very thankful that they are great sleepers and go down so easily at night. We put them in bed around 7:30 and they are gone for the night, so that's wise really paid off in that area. Now, let me address my Finley. For the most part, he has been such an easy child to raise. But, he is now definitely a two year old. I am wondering where my old Finley went sometimes. I am thankful that I've already had a two year old and I know this too shall pass!! For us, with avery 3 was so much easier than 2. Right around Avery's 3rd birthday, he totally chilled out. Now, 4 has been a bit more difficult....we shall see. Anyhow, I am trying to just enjoy the time I have with them each day and not wish for them to hurry up and get through this phase. Honestly, even though they wear me out and I get so frustrated at times, I would not trade this mommy business for anything in the world. It's good stuff..................until next time......................... Pin It

1 comment:

  1. I like hearing that BabyWise has paid off for you in some areas..we have tried to use babywise. Although I currently feel like we have derailed... Silas has suddenly changed his eating schedule and it has thrown us for a loop! Have fun in KC...I love going to KC and like your son, I love staying in a hotel!


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