Thursday, August 16, 2007

My son thinks I'm a midget

Well, I am in a chatty here goes...

First, I want to address McDonald's new iced coffees. In a word, YUM. Okay, so it's not Starbucks, but really close. And it is big (notice the picture) and it's $1.88 with tax! That just makes me happy. This is so much better than their hot, "premium coffee" they came up with before. That was just crappy coffee in a nicer to-go cup. Now, I've never actually licked an ash tray, but if I did, that is what their "premium coffee" tastes like. Therefore, I have been very skeptical of this new iced coffee idea. I was just sure it was another attempt to appear trendy. But, after hearing several people rave over their iced coffees, I decided to give in. I ordered a hazelnut iced coffee. They put some milk in it and 5 squirts of syrup. I guess that could make any coffee taste good. So now I am happy and also somewhat jittery from all the caffeine on an empty stomach. So save your $4 and don't go to Starbucks this time, head on into the Golden Arches....
Next, I want to address the fact that my son, Avery thinks that I'm a midget. Yep. So, a couple of months ago we were watching "Little People, Big World." Avery said to me, "Look mommy, that lady is little just like you." Thanks Avery. He also often says, "You're my good, little mommy." Which is sweet and endearing. But I realize today that he really does think that I'm a midget. Our conversation in the car today:

avery: mommy, do you like that show, "Little People" ?

me: yes, honey

avery: that mommy & daddy on that show are really little

me: yes, honey

avery: just like you, you're little just like them

Super. Pin It


  1. hey,
    Glad to know there is a decent place to get an iced coffee around here!
    I laughed out loud at the midget story...hey, take it as a compliment...your boys have a very cute Mommy!
    Have a great trip - can't wait to hear about it - btw...I am going to order more bows...Ava loves them!

  2. Okay...this is just too hilarious! Hey, at least he's a smart kid and can associate things with similar qualities!

  3. Did he really say that??? Really??????????


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