Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Woo Hoo!!! The hoodlums are fenced in!

Our big excitement this week is getting a new fence! Oh, how I love it already. We have lived in this house for 2 years and have gone back & forth about getting a fence. We wanted one for the obvious reasons of safety, privacy, etc. On the other hand, our house backs up to a beautiful field with horses and has a pretty row of trees. I think AJ might argue about the "pretty" part, those trees were more of a nuisance to him. There's poison ivy in there, stickers, vines, etc. So, really not the best place for children to play, but still pretty to look at. Our neighbor was fencing in her yard and when the guy came over to give her an estimate, I had him give me an estimate as well. So, we just decided to go for it, knowing it would definitely help our property value as well. So, I will miss the view of the horses, but that's really being overshadowed by the fact that I don't have to worry about the kids running around the house and going into the street. I was always worried some psycho would come by & steal my kids right out of the back yard. Let me tell you, it is so nice to be able to work in the kitchen (I can see them from the window) while they are playing. Of course, I don't have to tell you that I put padlocks on all the gates. Not so much to keep the boogie man out as to keep my curious 4 year old in. :)

So here are the boys playing during our 1st day with the new fence . . .

Avery being Avery . . .

Finley climbing like a "big boy" . . .

One last view of the glorious fence!!

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  1. Holy Cow--it looks SO good! I'm so jealous as our fence is old and ugly. You back yard actually looks bigger to me now!

  2. I am soooooo jealous!! We can't have privacy fences here. Totally stinks!

    It looks great.


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