Friday, August 17, 2007

Tired but Happy

I'm feelin' good. We're packed & ready to go. The house is clean. The cat is at the vet. The dishwasher is running. And we're about to watch "The Office" to reward ourselves for all our hard work. :) Praise Jesus for the Yukon b/c the back is packed with all our stuff and there's still room to spare. That just makes me happy. This would never have worked with the Camry. I believe this is a sign that I need to do A LOT of shopping on our vacation to fill up the space.

Hopefully I will get a chance to post some pics while we're gone, if not, wait expectantly until I return. Until then....peace out peeps! Pin It


  1. Forgot to check "Call my friend Jackie back" off the to-do list, eh?

    Hope you're having a blast and I expect a full report when you return! :)


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