Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm Famous

Yesterday I was in the mall with the boys. We went to what the boys call the "thomas store"...... b/c there's a train table to play with. The local news was there and wanted to ask me a few questions. I resisted at first, but as many of you know, I'm very bad at saying "no." Before I knew it I had a microphone on and a camera in my face. He just wanted to ask me a few questions about the toy recalls. Luckily neither of the boys ran away while this was taking place, which was my main fear. Anyway, the boys and I were on the morning news. I'm pretty sure they twisted my words around. And by the way, I hadn't taken a shower yesterday and my hair is in a pony tail and I'm holding 3 coats, 2 books, and a chic-fil-a cup. But, whatever, I'm famous.

Click here and go down to "local video news" and click on "buying safe toys for Christmas." Pin It


  1. You ARE famous! I just watched your video...You might want to get an agent. I'm just sayin'.....

  2. sara, you look great, especially for not showering! and i like that they showed the boys and avery stared at the camera. Also, news buddy who didn't say the name right, it's neuFELD, not field. not that difficult. fun to see your lovely face! love you!

  3. I am thinking the Daytime Emmy is just around the corner.

    Especially with that smile on your face as you said, "I AM concerned."

  4. Love your festive background!

    For some reason, I can't see the tv link - but I trust it's great!

    Happy Friday!

  5. sara, the link that i used sent me to ksfm (a california radio station) i think you may want kfsm. :)


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