Saturday, December 8, 2007

Please Help

I need some stain removal advice. Finley found a black sharpie right before we were leaving for church the other day. He decided to decorate his shirt and brand new courds. Just a note, it was the first time he'd worn those pants. Yep. Thanks buddy.

Things I have tried:
*hair spray
*nail polish remover
*shout spray

So if any one out there has any other ideas, please let me know!!! Pin It


  1. I got nothin'.


  2. When all else fails, "google" it!

  3. Well...don't know about permanent marker but Zout is THE BEST stain spray out there. Just get the orginal (not oxy-action or whatever they call it!).

    Also-I really wanted to see your video but it wouldn't work. I'll have to try it again later! :)

    Can I get an electronic autograph???

  4. thanks! I have heard that about Zout...I think I need to go purchase some!


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