Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

We've had a great Easter today.  It started with the traditional Easter baskets for the boys.  I love finding fun things to surprise them with.  This year obviously had a spiderman theme. :)  They were so excited when they saw their baskets.  Then we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and AJ read the Easter story from the Bible.  It is really neat to see how much more Avery is understanding of Christ and His resurrection.   The boys got to play with their new treats while we got ready for church.  Finley had all the candy eaten in about 5 minutes.  
We had a wonderful service at church.  It was so refreshing and so focused on God's love for His creation.  Good stuff.  Afterwards we went to my parents for Easter lunch and egg hunting for the kids.  The boys had a ball with their cousins, Sam & Mary and Aunt Hannah.   They absolutely adore them.  It was a good, full day.

How sweet are these brothers??!

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  1. They look so cute. You are such a good mom.

  2. Wow!! What fun!! Makes me want to be a kid again! We are going to celebrate in a few weeks with our church here...Hannah loves to look at the pictures of your boys!! =)

  3. Your boys look so darling in their matching outfits. Love it!

  4. The boys easter clothes are super cute. I think I saw you coming out of Swim Ranch on Friday. You must have been prepared and got their early. We arrived at 9 and ournumber called at 3:30. Long day!

  5. cute boys and their matchy vests!

  6. AHHHHH--I Love Finley's hair! I love the boys' outfits! You are the cutest family on the block.


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