Friday, March 1, 2013


happy march first!!!! 
let's do this, shall we?

oh man, y'all, this week has been so much better. 
last week was one of the longest weeks i can remember. 
i kept reminding myself that the hard weeks make the easy weeks so much sweeter. 

i finally took myself back to the doctor and he gave me antibiotics and steroids.
yay. hoo.
he is now my best friend.
i felt so much better by that night and finally feel myself again.
i am soooo thankful for modern medicine. 

okay so let's see here...the last two weeks in instas.... 

most of my pics from last week we are in our pj's....which is how we lived all week.

these two big boys helping me with ruby are such a blessing.
ruby was sicky and fussy but still very busy and wanting to be entertained.
those boys were my saving grace. 

santa hat. 
this girl won't keep a bow on to save her life but she will wear a hat for hours.
she kept pulling it down over her face and walking around laughing.
such a hoot.

a sweet friend brought us all fruit popsicles.
now that's thinking right there.
sissy is a big fan.
i need to remember to do that for people who are sick.

this was in walmart last week.....of course.
it was barely sprinkling out side.
she put a sack over her head. 
and she put her purse in a bag.
wow. people are funny.

i am the girl who never ever ever has an umbrella. 
who has time to mess with that? not this girl.
i have two good legs and i run. 
and i have wet hair and probably look like a drowned rat.

snow day popcorn, hot chocolate, and sweet brothers.

last weekend, avery got to go to an overnight, 4th-5th-6th grade retreat. 
he was pumped.
it was our first time letting him go overnight to anything outside of our family.
i was nervous but one of their leaders sent us tons of text updates and photos. 
that was so great for all the parents.
he had a blast and i am so thankful he got to go.
my baby's growing up....sigh...tear.... ;)

avery and his friend jack are starting a business. ;)
it is so cute.
they are texting each other back and forth (with their mom's phone...NO, my fourth grader does not own a phone) and their texts are so sweet!
this is the first time avery has texted anybody like this so it's really fun to see him growing up a little more.
of course i read every text. obviously.
anyhow, avery is drawing pictures that they plan to copy and sell around school and i guess to family and friends. 
i love that they're coming up with this all on their own and being so entrepreneurial. :)

yesterday i got to take Meliyah to be a model for a news snippet for rhea lana's children's consignment sale.  
she did such a great job...i was so proud of her. 

i have been a busy little bee working at rhea lana's this week.
i can't wait to shop for spring/summer clothes for the kids this weekend!

do you instagram? i'm itsgoodtobequeen if you want to follow along with my weekly shenanigans. 

have a great weekend, y'all!

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  1. March? Can you believe it?
    I've missed your Insta Friday for a couple of weeks.
    Glad you are back and the kids are doing well.
    Even if they are in PJ's. Best way to live! :)

  2. Seriously! February was gone in a snap! You have the cutest little kiddos! The little lady has the best smile.

    And that Wal-Mart run-in was hilarious! Wow!

  3. Your blog is so cute! In my weak little comeback heart I desire for a cuter blog. Why don't I know how to do blog design? Glad you are feeling better!

    1. thank you Amy! I think yours is so cute! i wish i knew how. i am ready for a new design too!! :)


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