Thursday, November 20, 2008


So I'm having a baby tomorrow. No big deal. I'm going to bed now because I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. I'm excited, and nervous, and anxious, and just feel plain weird. Like the night before the first day of school times 100. My c-section is scheduled for 7:30 am. I would love your prayers!

We'll try to keep you updated as soon as we can! :)

good night peeps. . . Pin It


  1. Weird; I just commented on your last post while you were posting this one. I'm going to give you a call now so you better answer your phone. :)

  2. I really want to call but I am afraid you are asleep. I hope you get this. We are praying for you guys and can't wait to meet this little guy!!! Please call when you can!!!! Or have AJ call. I will see you tomorrow.

  3. Can't wait to hear..... I will be praying everything goes smoothly.

    I'm jealous... I love havin' babies!! :)

  4. Hooray for tomorrow! Can't wait to hear the news and see pics of that sweet babe! Love you!

  5. Good luck new friend!! You'll be in my prayers. Enjoy your new little bundle of joy!


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