Tuesday, February 9, 2010

in which i ramble.

we are having yet another snow day.
i don't remember a winter like this.  snow after snow after snow.
it is so pretty.  but i am definitely starting to get the itch for spring.

we've done a lot of nothing today.
avery and i worked on his valentine's box.
we used a picture from Family Fun for the idea.
avery loves that the friendly monster will eat his valentines. :) he wanted to draw spots on the teeth because "monsters don't brush their teeth."
finley and i (and by that i mean finley handed me pieces and watched me) built this space shuttle from a kit they got for christmas.
he's so proud of it.
yes they're still in their pajamas.
do you like avery's ensemble? 

i've been looking through so many paint chips to decide what color to paint my living room, kitchen and hallway.
aj's mom is coming down soon to help me paint!  i'm so excited.
she's a great painter and she enjoys it.
that is the one thing i asked for for christmas.
i taped several samples up on the wall but i'm still undecided.  i just know i want something light.
the whole house was painted the same color when we moved in (4 days before finley was born) and i am so over it.
we've painted most every other room in the house.  also the builder painted everything with flat paint.
hello!!  that took about 5.7 seconds to look cruddy.

sunday night we had our community group over for the superbowl.
i made these wings.
holy cow they were so good! 
i didn't even think I liked wings. 
they were gone fast.  i've been craving them ever since. 

our office couch is a necessary evil.
it's old & brown and totally clashes with everything else.
but it's a sleeper sofa so that's nice when guests come.
we got it at an auction for $40.
the color is driving me batty though.
so i quick threw on this cream colored t-shirt sheet and a bunch of neutral pillows.
it doesn't look great, but a whole lot better than it did. 
i was inspired by her.  she makes sheets on furniture look so good.

and there's sawyer with his mullet. 

also all i can think about lately is how i want to sell everything we own and go overseas and hold orphan babies all day long.

the end. Pin It


  1. I love the Valetine box idea! Sorry you guys are snowed in - again!

    Flat paint should be banned from walls - really, it doesn't make sense! I can't wait to see what paint color you choose for your home!

  2. I'm about to paint my formal dining, my kitchen and family room. My table has as many paint swatches on it as yours does. haha.
    I think I'm playing it safe with the Kilim Beige card. Actually Kilim Beige will go on the ceiling and the two darkers will go on the walls. Right now it is all faux painted a dark leather look. But I'm getting rid of it. It's hard to maintain if there is a scratch or a chip in it.
    I'll check back and see what your decide.
    ♥ Joy


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