Friday, November 2, 2007

Back to the E.R.

So today was a lousy day. Just one of those days where I was counting the hours/minutes until AJ got home. Well, he finally arrived home and it was time for the weekend to begin! We decide to take the kids to the mall. They are both so excited and screaming, "Yeah! The Mall! The Mall!" I'm looking forward to some time sitting in the play area while they run their little hearts out and I can talk with my husband, maybe even run in a few stores. Then we would go eat some food court dinner, head home, put the boys to bed and have a relaxing evening watching a movie, cuddling on the couch.

Nope, that was not to be.

We spent the evening in the E.R. Literally, the entire evening. We just got home around 9:30. AJ's in bed reading and I'm in here reading people's blogs. Romantic, eh?

So, as we were getting the boys dressed and ready to walk out the door, Finley slams, I mean, SLAMS, Avery's finger in the bathroom door. They were playing and running around our bedroom and then Finley slammed our bathroom door in Avery's face. I hear Avery screaming but I just think he's mad that Finley slammed the door in his face. It was like slow motion as AJ and I simultaneously realize that he's screaming because his finger's stuck in the door. Oh the horror! I knew it hurt bad, he was shaking and just screaming his poor little head off. So, we got ice and quickly got the boys shoes on and headed for the Emergency room. It was already swollen up pretty good and bright read and kind of dented looking. I sat in the back with the boys and tried to comfort Avery on the way there. I was hoping that they weren't going to call DHS when we got there, since we were just there this summer for Avery breaking his arm. Apparently going there once every 3 months is no big deal in the E.R. where some people come every 3 or 4 days!

When we got there, they had this red sign up saying they were having unusually high volume of people and the wait would be 4-8hours. great. There were some CRAZIES in the waiting room with us. It was interesting, to say the least. AJ and Finley left to get us some dinner and we began our wait. It wasn't horrible though. We got some coloring sheets and passed the time by staring at the "crazies." AJ says I stare worse than the boys. ;)

Anyhow, we finally got x-rays and saw a doctor and Praise Jesus, it wasn't broken. AJ was praying out against a broken bone all night, we just really didn't want Avery to have another broken bone and in his right hand again.

So, that was a fitting end, to my day I guess. Just another day in the life of a mom of boys.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be better..... Pin It


  1. 4-8 hours wait?!? That's RIDICULOUS! Well, thank the Lord that Avery is fine and no broken bones! You really deserve that nice night out now!

  2. Some days just suck huh? I am trying to live in the excitment of us expecting again, but all three of my kiddos have decided to get the stomach flu. I am up to my eyeballs in puke and poop!!!

    sorry about Avery's finger.....

    p.s. I love to people watch... the weirder the better. There is nothing better than a Carnival!! :)

  3. I'm sorry about Avery's finger. Sounds like it hurts. The life of 2 little boys...this is what I have to look forward to. :) By the way, Josh says I stare at people too. I try not to but I just can't help it.

  4. Poor baby! I hurt just reading that story! Glad all is well!

    I always get jabbed in the side from Scott for staring at others - a bad habit - but kind of fun!

  5. Yo. I am thinking, Bobert for the next Neufeld.


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