Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Pirate's Life for Me, YO HO!

First of all I want to say that Avery read his first 2 books this morning!! I have been working on "preschool" stuff with him on and off for a couple of years. I have to say that lately I have not been very consistent with it. Last year I had a great routine going where I did preschool with him every morning. In fact, when Finley was born, I started doing "preschool" with Avery while Finley took his morning nap. I kept it up pretty good until this past summer hit, we totally quit doing anything and I have had the hardest time picking it back up. Avery loves to do it, but somehow, it just gets crowded out. I have been trying desperately to get back in the groove....which means I have been doing it about once or twice a week. We have been doing letters and their sounds for a while now so I decided to see if we could put it together and start reading. I got some Bob books from the library. So this morning Avery read the first two books! He did really well and was excited that he was reading. I let him put stickers on this reading log we have. I know we are definitely going to have to keep practicing so he doesn't forget how to do it. It's really all on me, how disciplined I am to take the time to sit down and help him. I struggle so much with consistency. I hate that. I feel so much better when we are in a groove with a schedule, and I just can't seem to get it together lately.

In other news...about a month ago I picked up some pirate "costumes" at the Dollar tree. They're pretty cheapo but I knew the boys would have fun with them. I was saving them for the right time. So, Sunday night we got them out. The boys were SOOO excited. They had so much fun dressing up and playing pirates. They've pretty much worn them every moment we've been home since then. Avery wanted to sleep with his sword yesterday. I think AJ had almost as much fun as they did, playing with the fake earring. I wish I had a picture of it. Every time I looked at him, he had the earring in a different spot. . . his ear, his nose, his lip...he thought he was pretty funny.

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  1. You are mom of the year!! What a fun idea!

  2. Love the hook hands! Between the hooks and the swords, I bet it was fun trying to keep them from poking each other!


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