Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas Parade, Fayetteville Style

Last Saturday night was the Fayetteville Christmas parade and lighting of the square. The Square all lit up is beautiful, by the way. There are so many lights. So the parade was . . . interesting. I have to say, growing up in Siloam Springs, we had the best Christmas parade. Although, I don't think I appreciated it as much then as I do now. I used to LOVE going to the Christmas parade. All the businesses would open up and serve hot chocolate and snacks. There were tons of creative floats and of course several marching bands and hometown beauty queens. So this parade...was a bit different. It was somewhat disappointing for A.J. and I but not at all for the boys, they don't know any different. It does make me miss a small town though. Anyhow, back to the parade. So, when we first get there, we see these:
There were about 5 or 6 of these 12 feet tall "people" dancing around. Were they left over from the Marti Gras parade? Ummm....why? Only in Fayetteville. By the way, they kept coming up to the boys, who did not appreciate them!

Pretty soon they lit the square which was great and then the parade started. It was half Christmas parade, and half "go hogs" parade. Seriously...they called the hogs. Yep. There was maybe two "real" floats. The other things were businesses advertising by driving their business vehicle with snowflake window clings. Also there was a razorback shaped car that drove by calling the hogs. The boys were actually pretty fascinated by that. I mean, who wouldn't be fascinated by a car shaped like a giant red pig?

So, here is how Finley view the parade:
After the parade we walked around the square. There were lots of vendors to look at. We will probably go back to the square on a nice night. They will have carriage rides, pony rides, and Santa all through the season.
Here are me & the boys...sorry about all the red eye....
AJ's turn...
The boys got to sit in Santa's lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. This was the highlight of the evening. There was a really short line so that helped. The Santa was so sweet to them and took the time to listen to what they wanted. Also Bedford was taking photos for free & we just have to go pick them up sometime. Avery told Santa that he wanted a toy gun (great) and Finley told him he wanted a baseball. Finley says that every time. So funny. By the by, does the Santa look a little albino to anyone else??

Telling Santa what they want . . .
The "elf" gave them each a Christmas tree Little Debbie. Here they are enjoying their treat!

So, back to reality...tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm cooking the turkey! I will let you know how it turns out! To all my faithful readers, have a wonderful Thanksgivng!

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  1. I'm so jealous you ahve a fun, small-ish town Christmas parade and lighting of the square! We don't even have a square. Love the pictures!

  2. the boys are SO cute! and the tall person is super-creepy.

  3. How fun! I REALLY miss Siloam's parade! I've always loved it! Fayetteville's square is always a favorite too! I am going to do some research and see if I can find any small town parades around here. They're the best!

    Umm...Santa's skin is SO white his beard is yellow. Interesting.

  4. Yeah, and would it have killed him to smile?? The picture from Bedford turned out great of the boys, but Santa looks a little creepy, and SOOO white!


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