Monday, April 5, 2010

5 years ago today

we got our sweet finley abe.
is it me or do i look 12 in that photo?
he was the sweetest, cuddliest baby, right from the start.
he slept on my chest & didn't make a peep the entire 4 days i was in the hospital.

that was some foreshadowing to how easy a baby fin would turn out to be.
that boy never cried. seriously.
he would just softly grunt when he was hungry.
i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but no, he was just that easy. and he stayed that way.

fin is our sweet tempered, laid back, cuddly boy and we love him to pieces!
it is really hard to believe that my baby is 5 today.
i'm so thankful for each moment i've had with him and all the memories we make together every day.
God gave us such a precious gift when he blessed us with our finny fan.
i love you my sweet boy.  you are a dream and i'm so glad i get to be your mama.
happy birthday finley abe. Pin It


  1. SO hard to believe it's been five years since that little guy made his big entrance. He just keeps getting cuter.

  2. You do look so young (& beautiful as always). I can't believe Fin is 5! Please tell him Happy Birthday for me!

  3. Happy Birthday, Fin!

    And yes, you do look about 12 in that pic :).

  4. I LOVE these types of posts! Also, yes, you look like you should be on "Teen Moms" in that picture!


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