Friday, April 30, 2010

one of those days

so last night was a goobery night. 
yes, that is the best word i can come up with to describe it.
it was a crazy day in general.
finley didn't have preschool because of parent teacher conferences.
i forgot to go to his conference because i am a flake.

we had to be at avery's school at 10 am for his missionary presentation.
it was a really neat project.
he interviewed our sweet friends and their daughter hannah (who is also in first grade and who he's going to marry one day.)
he did a great job.

later that night was his awards assembly back at school . . . which we have to drive 20 minutes to get to . . . each way. . . at 7:30.
sawyer goes to bed at 7 at the latest.
so i had this brilliant plan to lay sawyer down at 6 for a power nap, get him up at 7 and go to the assembly.
you know how well brilliant plans turn out right?

well, AJ walked in the door at 5:15 and told me i had a nail in my tire.
so he left and was gone for an hour running all over town to find a place that would patch our tire.
no dice.
he gets home, we eat dinner, i put sawyer down.
he spends the next hour switching our tires around and putting on the spare.

instead of cleaning up the dinner dishes like i should have, i was looking at rugs on in between getting the boys dressed for the assembly.
i know, i am ashamed.
then all of the sudden it was time to go. right. this. minute.

AJ gets the boys in the car and I go to get Sawyer up.
on my way to sawyer's room i notice all the food still on the table from dinner.
i can't leave that!!
so i run over there and start putting the food that will go bad away as quickly as possible, praying for grace at the same time.

i get sawyer up and we strap him in and go.

we go the back way,  and i tell aj i think he chose the slowest way possible.   he doesn't say anything. . . he's good like that.

we roll up at 7:37.  i run avery & finley inside.
and there we see his class sitting down in their seats and the next first grade class coming onto stage.
we completely missed it!
  instead, avery got to see everything he missed by watching the other 1st grade class.
he missed having his character award announced and getting to give me a flower.
it wasn't much, but it was something to avery.
so we just decided to leave. i felt awful.

we got in the car and drove the 20 minutes back home.
avery cried the whole way.
i cried as well.   because i hate to see my baby disappointed.
and he's so like me.  we both take dissapointments really hard.

he said, "satan wanted to steal our fun. i can't believe he did that."  we had a good talk and he was fine by bedtime.  we talked about going to daddy's work the next day and eating hamburgers and chips and getting a sprite.  that was good enough for him.

we tucked the boys in and washed away our troubles with ice-cream sandwiches.  is there any problem a little chocolate can't solve??

and now i must clean my house because our babysitter will be here in a few hours.

i have a hot date tonight with my man and he's requesting I wear my black strapless dress. :)

yay for the weekend. Pin It


  1. We have all had those days. The missionary project looks great! Your date will be fabulous! Make it last!

  2. Love those days. Make me very thankful that they are not every day! Thanks for sharing and making us all know that we are NORMAL!

  3. Oh man...what a stinky day. I am so sorry. I wish I could have helped in some way.

  4. Oh girl!! Love you so much!! Bless you for your perspective!! I love it!! So encouraging!! Hannah loved looking at the blog... and blushed when I told her about 'the wedding plans' =)

  5. thanks for all your sweet, encouraging comments!

  6. That could SO happen to me. And my 7-year-old would definitely cry if he missed out, too. What heartbreak.


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