Thursday, April 8, 2010

just popping in quickly.

hey peeps!
no time to blog really today.
i'm trying to get one room in my house clean.
so i gotta get back to this:
and also this:
 does someone need to moisturize???

oooohhh, and look at this lovely fabric i got today!  i cannot wait to make some pretty pillow covers with it.

and if you'd like to be challenged, read this post by a 20 year old college student who has some wisdom beyond her years.  i so relate to what she writes about there. Pin It


  1. Sara,

    Awhile back I tried to contact you to participate in a blog tour for my newly released inspirational book for parents: One Million Arrows: Raising your Children to Change the World. This visionary book is gaining momentum and I’d like to invite you once again to another blog tour at the end of May.

    This book contains a prominent theme of inspiring families to invest in orphaned and abandoned children worldwide whether through adoption or through orphan ministries. I think the message of the book would really resonate with you and would also be a great way to inspire your blog readers to get their families involved as well.

    OMA has been recommended and endorsed by some of America’s top spiritual leaders such as Josh McDowell, Franklin Graham, Dennis Rainey, Ron Luce, Thelma Wells, and many others.

    You can find more info on Amazon:

    Also here is an inspiring one minute video:

    If you want more info or you'd like to participate, please email me as soon as possible.

    Julie Ferwerda

  2. what do you need that big tool for? am I missing out on some aspect of cleaning?

  3. what? you don't use a trowel to clean??

  4. I am amazed at all that you get done with 3 kids around. I can barely take a shower these days! :)

  5. It will get easier Ruth Lee!! But you already knew that. plus, did you catch the part where i said i was trying to get ONE room in my house clean. yeah, that's the reality of 3 boys!

  6. can you please let me know where you got the ruffly fabric? thanks~

    newendings at yahoo dot com


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