Saturday, November 13, 2010

if you're local.......

Today's the day for our Big Yard/Moving/Adoption Fundraising Sale!!!

We open at 8 and will stay open as long as we've got customers. My little boys will be selling hot cocoa so you can warm up while you shop. :)
*100% of the proceeds go towards our Adoption! It's a get some great finds AND help rescue a child. to go start up the space heater! ;)

email me if you need directions... click on the "about me" pic if you need my email. Pin It


  1. Good Luck!
    Hope it's a GREAT success!!!

  2. I've already prayed - wish you ginormous proceeds :)

  3. Let's chat soon! I want to hear about the new house, when you close on yours, and how the yard sale went!


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