Monday, November 22, 2010

survival mode

i forgot how much work it is to move.
i guess because it's been 5 years.
so. many. details.

so this is an apology to everyone who has called me or messaged me or emailed me and i haven't responded.
i'm just trying to keep my head above water.
needing some extra grace right now.

i feel like i have been running for a month straight.
i am going, going, going, from morning until night it seems.
so much to do.
so many loose ends to tie up.
decisions to be made.

oh and be a mommy.

every time i think i'm going to catch my breath.
something else comes up.
like aj's car dying last week.
dying as in it's dead, never to be revived.

some moments i do great and turn the ball of stress in my stomach over to my very capable Heavenly Father.
i take a deep breath and say,
okay Jesus, help me do the next right thing.
i ignore the list and do something fun with the boys.
and many other moments i give in to the stress.
and my children and husband feel the brunt of it. :(

even when i am choosing stress over a thankful heart, God still blesses.
and uses friends to bless us and love on us.
i am constantly amazed at God's provision for us. 

i take such comfort in knowing that God already knows about everything that is coming my way.
He knows and He is with me and i can make the choice to sit in His rest.
to take on His burden . . . which is easy and light.

so that's my rambling confession this monday morning.
i am going to choose today to stick right up close to Jesus.
i am going to work hard and try to chip away more and more at my list.
but i am also going to enjoy this day with my boys. 
it's going to be a good day.

psalm 46:1 & 11
"God is our refuge and strength, 
a helper who is always found in times of trouble.
The LORD of Hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our stronghold."

Habakkuk 3:19
"Yahweh my Lord is my strength; 
He makes my feet like those of a deer
and enables me to walk on mountain heights!" Pin It


  1. Wow, Sara, this post was such a gift this morning as I start such a busy week. Thank you! Oh, and now I feel special that you answered my phone call yesterday. (:

  2. Sarah,

    I think you feel like you’ve been running a month straight – because you have been. And the “next right thing” That’s wisdom. Sarah, that was an elegant ramble.

    It’s that cape, and those boots, and that S on your chest, they’re heavy. I’m not a mom – so I can only guess how heavy. But as I read, I hear, “pray for Sarah”. And it’ll be an honor. And I will.

    And as I read I see you already know to do “the next right thing”. I’m doing that one myself right now.

    And I love the Psalm 46 verse. I've always seen it this way: that God wants us first to avoid the incoming arrows, and if we can’t, to hold up our shield of faith, and if the arrows poke through, then run to his stronghold. Or maybe we should just run there first – I don’t know.

    By the way, I think it’s fine to take the S off, it’s just a letter, and drop the cape too. But the boots – they probably look good – keep them.

    God Bless

  3. Loving you lots! "He who promised is faithful!" Heb 10:23


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