Monday, November 29, 2010

the inside of my nose smells like spray paint.

i have a bunch of blog posts swirling around my head right now.
but they'll have to wait.
it's been a long/good day.
we got back last night from 4 1/2 days in kansas.
we had a wonderful thanksgiving.
a much needed and appreciated time of rest.
but i did bring my notepad & craft projects along.
i had to get something accomplished. :)
can't wait to show you what i made!!

aj took today off as well and we did projects at the new house.
it was fun to have all morning with just he and i.
we had a hot date at lowes with the wood cutting machine.
that's how we roll, yo.
we installed shelves, i unpacked a few boxes, we went and retrieved a couch i bought off craig's list (yay!!!), aj yanked a toilet up (not as easy as you'd think), and now he is over there putting down a new floor with a friend.

life feels so crazy right now.
i feel out of sorts that i don't have my christmas decorations up.
i like to have them up a week before thanksgiving unless we're hosting.
if we host, i start opening the christmas boxes as soon as the last guest walks out the door.
or maybe before if they linger too long. ;)

and by the way, i am now addicted to craig's list.
that is all.

now i must get back to my bottle of spray paint. Pin It


  1. Sara,

    Your words are like a summer breeze in Autumn.

    And your husband - toilets, hot dates at Lowes, installing shelves with you, helping with someone else's toilet and floors - he sounds like a keeper.

    God Bless you both, and your littles, and your new home.

  2. I think buying off Craigslist is a lot more fun that selling on Craigslist. We've been listing stuff all week and people keep flaking out even though they sound very excited to come by.

    Hope you guys get settled in quickly so you can get your decorations up and relax a little bit. I so enjoy hearing about your life. You have a gift with words!

  3. Kira, I KNOW! I have been emailing back and forth with a lady every day about coming to buy something and she keeps not showing up! it takes patience for sure! ;)

    and thanks for your sweet comment. :)


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