Monday, April 4, 2011

4 months~ish

so i never posted a picture of my 4 month baby bump.
because i never took one.
okay, i lie.
aj took one but i look hideous and have a creepy, way-too-enthusiastic-smile, so it's not goin' on the world wide web.

i realized that i'm creepin' up on the 5 month mark {next sunday} so i want to post the two {not great} pictures that i do have.
i feel the need to document this pregnancy for many of them being the fact that i erased our entire hard drive a month before i had sawyer and lost all of my pregnancy those that were on my blog.
i always feel an urgency to document our life and our days so that our memories "saved."
i could just buy an external hard drive...but that would take some forethought....which i do not possess.

last weekend a local radio station had this big, giant baby shower for all the pregnant & new mamas in the tri-state area.
they had a bunch of vendors and gave away a bunch of free stuff.
at the end of the day they had a fashion show and i modeled {stop laughing} for my friend ashley's business, rhea lana's children's consignment sale.

okay so here is me at 4 1/2 months preggs.
avery and finley modeled with me.
sadly, i don't have good pictures of them.
aj was standing towards the side and behind people and dealing with sawyer.
stop looking at that guy's creepy face.

sometimes i feel weird about posting too many pictures of people will think i'm too big for my britches or something.
then i read this post from shauna @ the reed life.
she motivated to get in the pictures more and post them.
so i will try. :) Pin It


  1. You look adorbs in that shirt. strut your stuff.

    That post about pictures hurts--I read it a while ago--and remember that i have zero pictures after Coen was born, not even of me holding him. Breaks my heart. I haven't had many pictures taken since I read the post, but it's a good challenge to not erase pictures of myself!

  2. must have been a similar post that said the exact same thing b/c that post was dated 3/31/2011. check it: there is another post out there by some random blogger that I read one time that spoke to me in the same way. I remember in feelings, not facts. :)

  3. YOU LOOK SO CUTE!! i loled at creepy guy haha. my mom always wonders how many family photo album she's in in the background looking crazy

  4. I think it's great to get in more pictures, but I don't think it's nice to call that guy creepy. He wasn't aware his picture was being taken.

  5. i meant that the face he was making was creepy, not that HE was creepy. ;)

  6. A mom never puts herself in the pictures - moms are always te ones taking them. Then there aren't enough of them. Get in more of the frames - you are the center of the story. The home revolves around you. It's not bragging - I'm an unbiased person - I just read - and have read you since I began blogging - almost as long as anyone else - your home revolves around it's mom - and your hubs too - but I'm thinking he doesn't wear polka dots as well as you. God Bless you and all your babies - 5 months - wow.

  7. love it!
    Can't wait to meet that baby girl!

  8. That made me laugh because I totally WAS looking at that guys weirdo expression.

    Just FYI~ if I looked that adorable at any stage in any of my pregnancies, I would have submitted the photo to the local paper.

    You're one of those cute, petite, and fashionable girls that make me wistful. Rock it, girlfriend!

  9. how ADORABLE you are, and so is that outfit!

    polka dots and red boots are a match made in heaven!

  10. You look adorable!! And LOL, that's guy's face is hilarious!

    I totally agree about posting lots of pictures- it's a great way to document and "save" them just in case!


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