Friday, April 15, 2011

beth moore, i love you!

after such a crazy busy week, i am so excited to get to have a girl's trip today!
four of my dear bible study friends and i are going to little rock for a beth moore conference.

i am looking forward to a grown-up girl day.
i am so looking forward to hearing beth speak.
i have journeyed through the Bible with her for about 9 years now.

i am going to miss my little family....but aj will hold down the fort well.
he's good like that. :)

here's a little clip of beth doing what she does best...story telling.
take a few minutes and watch it, you'll be glad you did.

i bawled my eyes out when i watched it.
she's the real deal . . . i want to respond to Jesus' whispers like that.

happy weekend, friends.
xo-sara Pin It


  1. Hope you have a great time.... I am sure it's going to be AWESOME. She was just here about a month ago and I went with a few friends from my church. It was WONDERFUL. I love her so much... and you are right.... she is the real deal.

  2. I have done a few of her bible studies. We just finished one this week. She is SO good. I love listening to her! Have fun!!

  3. awesome. thank you for sharing :)

  4. Ugh...I wanted to go so badly. I hope it was awesome!

  5. Awesome! I think a friend of mine on Facebook went to the same conference (she was seeing Beth Moore this week and I'm pretty sure that lady is awesome but cannot be in two places at once, so it must be the same).

    I am embarrassed to admit I've only done one Beth study and I flaked out halfway through. I would really like to try another one sometime though. Her stores ARE the best. Glad you get some girl time!

  6. thanks for sharing. I want the fullness of Christ. Hope your weekend was a great infilling.


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