Tuesday, April 12, 2011

random tuesday

happy tuesday all.

this is a weird week for us.
the boys are in school two extra half-days this week for sat10 testing.
i actually mopped my kitchen floor yesterday morning. so, that was exciting.
of course i used mrs. meyers' basil because that stuff smells a.maz.ing.
and mrs. meyers actually makes you want to clean.

for some reason this month is crazy-busy.
like, 3 things written on my calendar every day, busy.
it's a little overwhelming but we're making it.
it's mostly good stuff...just really hectic.
i tell you what, i'll be ready for our vaca next month {!!!}
i can't wait to sit around and be waited on. :)

i am addicted to the brick breaker game on the phone that my friend lent me since mine broke.
like, i think it's becoming a problem.
i'm pretty sure i have an addictive personality.

the nester wrote a really good post about educating your children.
i've been pondering it a bunch.

and now for my official {not sure what that means} 5 months shot.
it's a little bitter-sweet that this will be my last time doing this.
even though it's hard work, it's such a privilege and a blessing to get to carry my sweet babies. 
i'm thankful to be entrusted with this work.

have a great day y'all!!! Pin It


  1. Sara, you look absolutely wonderful! I understand the bittersweet feeling... since Virgil (now 2 mo.) is our last :( But you're right... it's such a blessing. Hope things slow down soon :)

  2. I just hopped over to The Nester's blog and read the post you referenced, it's good stuff. Definitely has me thinking, our little one is only two and I am not sure what options we could financially support, but it's good to be open minded.

    I hope your pregnancy is going well, I'm not sure if I've commented on your blog before but I've been reading for about a year or so. You have a very sweet family and we share a common "awe" for Meg and her Whatever blog : )

  3. Sara, you are the most adorable pregnant woman I think I've ever seen! Thank you so much for contributing to our fundraiser, you have greatly blessed us:) God bless you and yours.

  4. I simply don't think your children - the one yore carrying included - could be in better hands. Oh the stages of like you have in front of you. The journey. God bless you and all of yours sara.

  5. You look so cute and so slim..lucky you.:)
    Are you sure this is the your "last time doing this"?
    hee-hee-sometimes surprises happens and changes our plans.:) But, in a good way.


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