Friday, April 8, 2011

pure joy.

that would describe fin's birthday on tuesday. 
we all had such a great time celebrating him.
and by the way, no, i cannot believe my sweet little finley is SIX.
 we started off the day with a happy birthday breakfast & presents. 
don't those donuts just scream birthday?!
our sweet birthday boy...sleepy eyes, bed head, and all.

 we put his #6 candle in his birthday donut & sang to him.
please excuse my crazy, just-got-out-of-the-shower-didn't-have-time-to-fix-it-yet hair.
 after the boys got dressed for school finley opened his family presents.
 avery is so excited and happy for finley. :)

 i am so happy we captured his excitement.
i've never seen him that thrilled over a present.
it was so. fun.
i sent birthday cookies with him to school for their snack time.
i also put a special birthday note in his school box.
when i picked him up from school he was so, so happy.
he kept telling me that i was the best mama ever because i put a birthday note in his school box.
i was so happy that he'd had such a great day at school on his birthday.

we met aj for dinner at Shogun...a japenese steakhouse that has the hibachi grill right at your table.
the boys had never been and the only thing we told them was that they cook your food in front of you.
we all had a blast.
the boys were so excited & thrilled over everything.

the boys loved using chopsticks and were amazed at all the tricks our cook performed.
it was so fun to get to experience it through their eyes.
they make everything so fun!

happy 6th birthday finley abe! Pin It


  1. Hey can't what to see you guys on Wednsday.:)

  2. what a sweet, family-filled day! your belly is ADORABLE. :)

  3. you look adorable with that sweet belly!! Cant wait to see this pretty girl!! :)

  4. Hey, we got our son the exact same present when he turned six last September! Great minds think alike, and all that ;)


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