Tuesday, May 24, 2011

another storm

my mind is swirling with thoughts right now.
i have several things that i want to blog about.
but all i am thinking of right now is tornadoes. 
this has been a rough spring for the south. 

and this:
National Weather Service is predicting that today will produce the worst storms to date for our general area for this year. NW Arkansas are very likely to see, “long lived, violent tornadoes this evening."

after watching the dozens of rotations on the tv screen sunday night and then learning of the devastation that hit just an hour from us....this is very, very real.

i'm going to make a choice now to focus on Jesus.
because He doesn't change.
He sits enthroned above the storm.
He never leaves or forsakes.
HE is our shelter in the storm.

please join me in praying for the hurting people of joplin, missouri and also pray for northwest arkansas...please pray that all of this disipates and is nothing.
thanks, friends.

okay now i'm going to go collect some items for the joplin relief and fix my thoughts on something else. :) Pin It


  1. Thank you for this post. I was just reading in Joyce Meyer's book Power Thoughts where she says, "Our confidence should not be in anything or anyone but Jesus...". What you wrote reminded me of this and I thank you. I just saw that the weather is going to be bad again tonight and all we can do is pray. Thank you for your post and the reminder of where my focus needs to be.

  2. I'm right here with you. God is our Fortress and our Shield. He also calls on us to be wise. Have a bag of emergency supplies on hand and put your bike helmets on if the sirens sound. There's nothing else we can do. Except maybe move to FL. You in?

    Wait...then there are hurricanes. But at least there's warning with those.


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