Friday, May 27, 2011

a family retreat

last weekend we had the best time at our church's family retreat.
aj and i are not so much into men's or women's retreats but we love the family retreat.
honestly, we just really like to be around each other.
we have the most fun when we're all together.

the retreat was friday evening through sunday morning.
a whole slew of families from our church came & our children's pastor, his wife {who is also on staff at our church}, the youth pastor and his wife and a bunch of interns worked their tails off to make this an amazing weekend.
you can tell that so much planning goes into it.
you can also tell that they know kids.
it was great.

when we loaded all of our stuff into our room, sawyer was so excited about the bunkbeds.
much more excited than his six month pregnant mama. ;)

he wanted to be zipped up in his sleeping bag immediately.
which he didn't even use...he actually slept in a pack n play in the bathroom. ;)

we had several "chapel times" with praise & worship led by the interns, skits & Bible teaching.

all of it was super geared towards young children.
the lessons were short & very interactive.

even sawyer listened really well.....which was probably due in large part to the fact that he was sleep deprived.

on saturday we had a beautiful sunny day which was a miracle in itself.
we spent the morning doing field games.
each family was a team.
so. fun.

the afternoon was full of fun....horseback riding, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, napping, etc.

you wanna know what one of my very favorite parts of the retreat is?

yep, the food.
prepared for me.
cleaned up for me.
it was bliss, really.

okay this is a cruddy/grainy picture, but i just love how sweet the boys are with their arms around each other...i had to share it.  :)

we were totally exhausted by the end of the weekend but it was so worth much fun family time and time with our community group.
love making memories with our family. Pin It


  1. NLR, right? We have had so many memories there, too. What a fun reminder!

  2. That looks like so much fun. When ours are a little older I want to take them to family camp.

  3. Aw, that's so fun. Your church seems very similar to mine (at least from the pictures of the worship) I love me a good worship service. We have "family camp" every summer where our entire church rents out a campground and camps together for three or four days. Nothing will bond you together faster than seeing eachother on day three of no showers. My kids look forward to it all year though, so it's worth it. Glad you had fun!


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