Tuesday, May 10, 2011

fixated on food.

you know what sounds soooo yummy?
s'mores made with reeces.

and also these.

and pretty much anything that pops into my head.
i am loving this phase of pregnancy because i am enjoying food so so much.
every time i eat a meal i sound like bob.

at my last doctor's appointment the nurse said something about sausage.
all i could do from that moment on was dream about eating a big hunk of sausage.
as soon as i left, i drove straight to mcdonald's and ordered a sausage biscuit from the dollar menu.
and you know what, it was amazing.
i enjoyed every last bite.
and i didn't feel guilty.

i love food and i'm proud of it. Pin It


  1. did you read about the reese's s'mores on "whatever?" because i did, and ever since then i've been craving one. and i'm not having a baby. lol

  2. Ha, I love this scene. "Is this corn hand-shucked?" Enjoy this phase of your pregnancy! I thought it was wonderful once my appetite came back.

  3. I HEART What about Bob! Eating for two – you know the drill. This was awesome, smiling from ear to ear. Thank you. God Bless and keep you and all of yours Sara.

  4. Bwahahaha, I've seen What About Bob about half a million times. It's my mom's favorite movie so it was pretty much required watching. You go girl, enjoy it!

  5. I LOVE that part on what about bob. ha!! I am cracking up just thinking about you. We'd make quite the duo. Me just now able to eat food again and you and your food love. I am laughing just picturing us. ha!!!

  6. are you alive? yes or no. be honest.


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