Wednesday, May 25, 2011


how to school our children has not been an easy decision for us.
i wish i were one of those women that just know how they are going to school their children.
most of my friends/acquaintances seem to be that way.
school is something i have agonized over for the past few months.
years before avery started kindergarten we were asking God where we should send him to school.
we prayed and prayed and prayed.
we felt the most peace about providence, a university model, classical education school.
it's been a good fit for our family these past 3 years.
we have taken it one year at a time, praying each spring about what we should do the next year.
i have loved so many things about providence, which i've written about before.
however, i am now feeling God releasing me from this role and we are prayerfully considering sending our kids to public school in the fall.
we are not considering this lightly.
we have spent hours praying about this and like i said, i have literally agonized over this decision.
i so want God's best for our children...for our whole family.
i don't want to settle.
i want to train my children to be men and women of God.
i also don't feel like providence or private school or home school is the only way to do that.
one thing that is hard for me is that i know that some people won't understand this decision.
and that is hard.
i have to let go of other people's expectations of me and focus my attention on Jesus.
His opinion is the only one that matters.

i am looking forward to having some more structure in our days.
i am looking forward to some intentional time focused on sawyer and our new baby girl.
i am looking forward to my boys going to school right down the street where i can pop in any time i want.
i am nervous as all get out.
but Jesus is so faithful and so loving and I know He is going before and behind us and hemming us in on all sides.

p.s. i want to thank you so much for you sweet words & prayers for our safety through the storms last night. it was a long night, but the storm passed us by.  so thankful. ~ Pin It


  1. My husband and I send our son to public school. Many people we know shudder at the idea but we know this is God's plan for us.

    I know MANY strong Christians (myself included) who grew up in public school and thanks to God's sovereignty and good parents they turned out great!

    Go where God leads you and it will all work out.

  2. i have to let go of other people's expectations of me and focus my attention on Jesus.
    His opinion is the only one that matters. <----this. :)

    He'll give you complete peace about whatever decision He leads you to.

  3. Good for you, Sara. Here's a great article in ByFaith magazine about how Christians can transform individuals and communities by getting involved in the public school system and not adopting an exclusivity mindset.

  4. we love you no matter what your choice. i often comfort myself in saying, "this is what works THIS year and for THIS child." He is faithful. :)

  5. Oh how I struggled over this too when my older kids were younger. They are now 23, 20 and 18! But I also have two 6 yr olds so I am agonizing all over again. haha BUT what I have found is this... it is in parenting and the choices the child makes. Not so much about others. A child who excels in Christian school would probably excel in Public school as well. And vice versa. I have seen so many parents send their children to Christian school thinking all is well and wow, I have heard too many stories this year to know that is not the only answer. My advice? Always take it year by year, moment by moment and truly know your child and what they can handle. My kids were in Public school and didn't get pulled in to the wrong crowd but there are days I wish they would of had more of a Christian influence in school. But I honestly am not sure they would of had that at a Christian school. I think good kids can get cynical in seeing "Christian kids in a Christian school" living like they do in the Public school. Ok, I am rambling and I am a first time commenter. ;-)

  6. that's kinda how we are rolling with it too. takin' it year by year(and when our other 2 get here, we probably won't be able to afford PCCA:) when we were kids there wasn't many options...i feel like all the choices make it hard stometimes. Glad God is making it clear to your family what you should do next year.

  7. Sara,
    As an ex-PCCA mom I understand your angst. Just let me say to you, that how you educate your children is a very personal decision, right up there with who you marry. No one really has a right to an opinion on how you educate your own kids, so you do not need to explain your decisions to anyone. It is between you, your husband and the Lord. Don't get caught up in trying to explain your decision to others, no matter how well-meaning they are. It is too personal for that, in my opinion. :)

  8. Your children will be such a blessing to those around them next year, because of a God fearing family they have grown up in. You will be amazed at the people they will reach next year, and your heart will smile and God will smile because of the unchurched they will already be reaching in elementary school. I was so close to HS IJ when we got to Kentucky, but praying and buying a house right next to the school changed that. And WOW how God used him in K. I will be praying for you and that you will continue to have peace because the unpeacfulness will creep in. hope you are enjoying your mug, however I am so happy for you and that their will be another queen in your house. congrats..

  9. thank you so much, sarah. that is so encouraging. i so appreciate all the encouraging comments. what a blessing.


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