Wednesday, May 4, 2011

wednesday schmednesday.

happy wednesday, friends.
today is our last day of homeschool for the year!
woo. hoo.
and really, they only had a couple of sheets to do and then they worked on mother's day cards & letters to their teachers.
tomorrow is their last day of school.
they are having a field day.
i think the sun might even make an appearance.
i am planning to get myself a pedicure in honor of an end to all the dreary, rainy weather.

my big boys are in a phase of arguing 24-7.
it's killing me.
i need it to stop.
please, let this be a phase.
that is over, like, tomorrow. or right now would be nice.

i have been super crabby pants mommy this week.
i blame it on the rain.
and that i'm probably anemic so i'm tired & woozy.

i was looking through my photos and found these of aj & i with our best buds, erin & zach.

we met them when avery was just a year old.
we became fast friends and have been a part of each other's lives ever since.
we are terrible at taking photos together even though we have pretty much lived life with them for the past 8 years. 
they are family to us.
it is just easy with them and i am so thankful for that.
and we laugh. . . a lot.

oh look, i'm wearing the same shirt.

okay now i am going to attempt to get something accomplished with my afternoon.
the mind is willing but the body is weak. :) Pin It


  1. wait, i'm said the last day of homeschooling, but then you said making cards for teachers?
    i am pretty new to this, i'm not sure if the boys go to school, or you homeschool them? love your site.:)

  2. they go to a university model school. :) they go to school two days a week and I homeschool them the other three. I am a co-teacher with their school teacher. :)


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