Thursday, August 30, 2012

five minute craft

a little crafting in the middle of normal mom/wife/grownup duties goes a long way for my personal happiness. :)

i'm really trying to make more time to be creative.
it's good for my soul.
and honestly i just love it.

the big boys are at school today so i ignored the massive moutain o' laundry and whipped up a little bit o' happy for our front room {much easier than to call it that than the homeschool/guest/office/playroom}.

i picked up these embroidery hoops a few months ago while thrifting in kansas.

i always keep my eyes out for crafting materials when i'm thrifting {yarn, embroidery hoops, wreath forms, large trays, etc.}

embroidery hoops are generally pretty cheap, but if i can grab them for a quarter, why not?
although, if i had known that little snowman was secured with the super glue to end all super glues, i would have probably passed.
i've purchased these kind of dolled up hoops before {imagine geese flying on brown fabric} and had no problem.
this one probably took me twenty minutes of hard effort and slightly bending a steak knife to get apart.

so i guessed i lied about the five minute part.
but it would have been five minutes if i hadn't had to fight the snowman.
lesson learned...check it in the store to see if the fabric will budge.

anyhoo, it all went pretty quickly from there.
i dug around in my fabric stash and popped some fabric in each of the hoops.
i didn't glue the back or anything.

i probably should have ironed the fabric.
but oh well, i have a need for speed.

i really love that black polka dotty fabric but all those dots in that big hoop was a little off.
so i quick grabbed a doily from a table in the living room and hot glued it on.

ahh, that's more like it.

the blue is not quite that electric in real life.
the picture below is the closest match to the real life color . . . a more muted blue with charcoal gray background.

so there you have it.
a quick little project that i could whip up during ruby's nap and give some life to an empty corner.

happy. :)

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1 comment:

  1. That is so adorable. Will defnitely be trying this in the near future


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