Wednesday, August 8, 2012

in ten minutes or less

*i feel like a big ol' blog slacker lately. :( boo.
i love writing.
i love this space.

*i am deep in the trenches of rhea lana's children's consignment sale right now.
it takes a lot of time but i really enjoy it and it's how i clothe four children.
also i worked latish tonight and drank too much dr. pepper so now i am awake instead of sleeping which i should be doing....but then i wouldn't be blogging....something's gotta give here peeps.
tonight it's sleep.

*less than two weeks until school starts. i am not ready.
i am working hard to try to get the front room ready before school starts.
it's functioned as a playroom for the year and half that we've lived here.
i am attempting to make it more functional by making it an office/homeschool space/guest room.
i'm liking where it's headed.

*two weeks until ruby turns one.
i am not ready for that either.
time is a jerk.

*we have been watching olympics every night, have you?
i think i've watched more this year than i ever have.

*trying hard to tackle the massive list i have to get done plus also make the most of our last days of summer.
we still have some stuff to cross off our list.
school time came way too fast.
i am not ready for summer to end. at. all. 
summer flies by faster than any other season.
winter always seems to drag on and on. this does not seem fair.
i love summer. i should move south for the winter.
geese are onto something.

okay my ten minutes are up.
time to try to fall asleep again so i am not crazy-town-grumpy mama in the morning.


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1 comment:

  1. I'm not ready for summer either! My daughter pointed out the other day that we hadn't finished our Bucket List. I told her we'll just finish it through the school year.


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