Friday, August 17, 2012


once again i only have a few phone snap shots this week.
this week has been completely nutso.

in an effort to hold onto summer and make memories despite our crazy week, we took to a nearby trail after dinner one night this week.
it was so good to get out of the house and walk with my family.

the hum of cicadas is music to my ears.

the boys found a caterpillar.
it's fun to see all three of them interested in the same thing.

yesterday we had a park/creek play date with the boys' school classes.
my boys spent the entire time in the creek.
it was so great to see them in their element.
"swim in a creek" was one of the last things on our summer list that we hadn't checked off.
since sawyer waded up to his arm pits, we're calling that good.
they found a water snake and ginormo snapping turtle so that was exciting for them.
ha.  having three boys is definitely helping me deal with my fear issues. ;)

also yesterday this happened:

all over ruby.
i was making a bottle so i set her down for a minute so i could have two hands.
i opened the cab to get out my measuring cup and she pulled my big 6 cup glass one down on top of her head.
it had two smaller glass measuring cups inside in.
shattered all over her.
by God's mercy, she only had one tiny cut on her arm.
scary moment.

it was one of those times that i thought, "of course that just happened."
i was so exhausted and having to clean up all these tiny shards of glass and make sure ruby didn't have any little specks on her {she did} and clean up this whole mess when i was already so tired was a bit of a bear.
it was one of those moments that you just have to put on your big girl pants and get it done.
heavens to betsy, i tell you, being a mama is not for wimps.

in other exciting news, we finally converted sawyer's bed to a big boy bed.
yes he is three and half.
we keep our kids in cribs for a way long time.
after moving our oldest into a big boy bed at just over 2, we learned our lesson and the next two boys stayed in until over 3.
best decision ever.

ruby doesn't even know how stinkin' cute she's gonna be this fall.
i found her a whole stack of the most darling clothes at rhea lana's this week.
can't wait to see her in them.....i love having a girl to dress up. :)

happy friday, y'all!

life rearranged

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  1. look at all those cute little girly outfits. I bet you are having so much fun with that. Makes me want to try for a girl :) but of course I would be happy with another boy as well.

  2. Eeek...that glass looks scary. Our 6 year-old did the same thing at that age, only with a giant glass bowl. She still has a scar next to her ankle, a reminder of the Lord's protection over her!

  3. Yikes! So glad your sweet girl was ok. Stuff like that is no fun, but bound to happen to us mamas! Sounds like you guys had a great week. :)

  4. ahhhh! that must've been so scary. so glad ruby is ok.:)


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