Sunday, August 5, 2012


my favey phone-cam shots from this week......

last weekend we had a family night.
chic-fil-a followed by bowling. 
love that sweet scrunchy smile and propped up baby feet. 

ruby is such a trooper when we take her to crazy places like a dirty bowling alley. 

excuse me, coming through. 

yes, she is. 
absolutely. 100%. 

hang out time on the couch with my busy baby girl. 
she's not so much a sit still kinda girl. 
like mama like daughter. 

the makings of some serious yum. 
vietnamese coffee. 
bad but sooooooo good. 
my favorite afternoon treat these days. 

mama said there'd be days like these. 
we're not all smiles around here, folks.
teething, perhaps??

avery is loving the new basketball goal. 
as in, he plays all day long and takes a break for lunch, loves it. 
so happy for him. 

guess it's time to move that mattress down. 

on friday AJ took off work and we headed to silver dollar city for the day.
we took my little sister hannah and my parents kept ruby for us. 
it was nice to not have to push around a stroller all day. 
it was also fun to get to go on a ride all together. 
we also did a one hour cave tour....super fun....and a little nerve wracking for this claustrophobic girl. 
i'm really glad we did it.
it was nice to get to spend the day with hannah as well. 

i was shocked that my two youngest boys rode on the american plunge {straight-down log ride.}
avery always loves a roller coaster....the bigger the better.
but this was the first time for the younger boys to do something beyond a kiddie ride. 
so proud of them!

farmer's market.
our boys love to go.
there's so much to see, so many beautiful flowers, wonderful fresh food, musicians, dogs to pet, bugs to look at.......all kinds of fun stuff. 
i love our town. 

so that's my week in a nutshell.
trying to enjoy the last of our weekend. 
sigh...i never want it to end. 

what are y'all up to??

life rearranged

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  1. September is not far away. Wishing we could visit for a whole week- or year. I want to hug ruby so badly! Can't wait for John to see her.

  2. September is not far away. Wishing we could visit for a whole week- or year. I want to hug ruby so badly! Can't wait for John to see her.


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