Monday, August 13, 2012

monday funday and lemon basil pesto

it's monday morning and the last week of summer break. 
i think it's gonna be a doozy. 
it's one of those weeks where we have so much on our calendar that it's gonna be tricky to coordinate all the details. 
but we'll make it....we always do. ;)
and hopefully we'll make some memories and have fun along the way. 

so....last week i tweeted/instagrammed a pic of my basil plant & asked for a pesto recipe. 
my friend amy who writes the awesome foodie blog, our everyday dinners, asked to have some of said basil since her plant had died. 
well, basil is the one plant that has flourished this hot summer so i was happy to share. 

amy made lemon basil pesto & shared the recipe on her blog. check it here. 
she was also so sweet to bring us some of the pesto, pasta & fresh parmesan for our dinner! 

i love love love some pesto. 
it's pretty fun that it came from our basil from our garden.

okay, so you should really start reading amy's blog...she posts recipes everyday with great photos. 
remember her blog is where i got the salted caramel pretzel bark that i am obsessed {obsessed} with. 

if i get my wits about me i'm going to make up a big batch of pesto and freeze it in an ice cube tray so we can have pesto all the year long. 
fingers crossed. 

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1 comment:

  1. You know, I have never ever tried pesto, but i'd like to! I may have to give this a try!! =) Thank for sharing!


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