Friday, December 7, 2012


thank you so much.
thank you for being Jesus to me with your precious comments and encouragement on my last post.
i seriously cried reading them.
thank you for taking the time to encourage me and lift me up.
that is huge.
i so appreciate each word.
thank you.

do you need to be encouraged as well?
if you are a mama you should read this post by lisa jo baker.
i bawled all the way through it.
it was so good and encouraging to read.
sometimes you just need someone to tell you to keep going.'s been a busy week.
my boys had their big musical theatre performance last night.
they have been practicing for months.
they were amazing.
finley was a sheep and avery was one of herod's three stooges.
perfect for them. ;)
i was so proud of them and so happy about the precious school they attend.

okay what
avery had his first games last weekend.
lots of entertaining this girl in the stands.

that night we went to the christmas parade in my hometown.
i wanted the boys to see a sweet, small town christmas parade.
it was wonderful and festive and we had to feed ruby smarties the entire time to keep her happy. ;)

{these pics are waiting for the parade to start. . . we may have arrived a touch early . . . hence the need for smarties. ;)}

we have had some insanely warm december weather.
like highs in the 70's. nutso.
arkansas is so weird.
we are happily taking advantage and doing lots of playing outside.

aj's been doing homework basketball with avery. 
he's a good daddy, that one.

we had a ton of carrots in the fridge so i decided to make my first ever carrot cake.
oh my gravy.
it was amazing.
i just googled "easy carrot cake recipes" and i found maple carrot cupcakes
i had all the ingredients so i went for it.

i'm not usually a huge carrot cake fan but this was soooo good.
super moist.
possibly due to the entire cup of oil in it, but whatevs.
it's the holidays.
desserts are mandatory.

question: do you think it's okay to eat cake for breakfast?
i do.
it's pretty much a coffee cake, if you have it with coffee, right?
plus carrot cake counts as a vegetable.
okay i've talked myself into it.

okay one last pic.... i did some fluffing in the booth this week.
i asked the owner for some creative criticism and he said it looked good but add more stuff. ;)
it seems so fully and cluttery to me but i need to get the decorating out of my head and just fill it.
i hope to work on that this weekend. :)

okay friends...have a great friday and a great weekend!
i'm off to tackle my day! :)

life rearranged
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  1. Fun! I haven't been to a Christmas parade in forever. That carrot cake looks amazing! And yes, I definitely believe in cake for breakfast. Or cookies or brownies... Gotta have something sweet with my coffee. :)

  2. Fun photos! We took our boys to our local Christmas parade this past week memories. :) Visiting from Life Rearranged!


I love and so appreciate your comments! They make my day. :)