Monday, December 17, 2012

monday morning.

guys, i'm so pumped.
the boys {and AJ and i} worked hard and got all their homeschooling done on friday and this weekend so we have none to do today!
that includes finley's rock collection project.
woo. hoo.

i really wanted them to get all their homework for tuesday done so that we could do christmas baking and crafting today.
i have been trying to do it for weeks and can't seem to squeeze it in.
cooking is therapeutic for me lately so i am really looking forward to it.

i'm also looking forward to spending time with the boys, thinking about others....who we are baking/crafting for....blessing is better than receiving, etc.

okay i have to tell you about friday night.
avery had a birthday party to go to so we all dropped him off and the rest of us went to chic fil a for dinner.
on our way to pick him back up, AJ pulled into the embassy suites.
he stopped right by the door and pulled out my overnight bag.

i, of course, started bawling.
he said, "you're staying the night by yourself.
your laptop, bible, journal & clothes are in the bag."
he also said i wasn't allowed to feel guilty and that i deserved it.

oh. my. word.
couldn't believe it.
best. gift. ever.

peace and quiet.
i could do whatever i wanted.
and there was nothing that needed to be done.
i could completely relax for a night.

it was truly wonderful.
i took a bath, watched a little hgtv and mostly read and slept.

he also packed my 1000 gifts that i have had on my nightstand waiting to be read.
perfect timing.
i'm two chapters in and it is so. good.
just what i needed.

this is the first time AJ has ever done anything like this.
i was so, so surprised and thankful.
it was so refreshing and recharging.

i'm pretty much on a high from it and keep thinking about how wonderful it was. :)

okay friends, i'm off to start my day....

also, if you think about it, would you mind saying a prayer for sawyer?
he woke up throwing up in the night and is currently asleep on the bathroom floor.
please pray that he gets over this quickly and that it stops with him.
thank you so much.

blessings to you today!

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  1. Isn't it good to be married to someone who gets you? I have one of those ;) such a blessing. I thank him often for "loving me thru my crazies". When I am at my end he is always there to hold me together. Glad you were able to get rest. Have a blessed day!

  2. What a great guy! You DO deserve it! :) So sorry that Sawyer is sick. :( I hope he feels better and no one else gets it.


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