Tuesday, May 7, 2013

home. and a chair re-do.

happily we are settling into this house much faster than we have in past houses.
my antsy pants nature and aj's willingness to go along with my shenanigans have helped.  :)

it feels like home.
which is amazing considering we've only lived here just over a month.
also, it feels so good to know that this is our house.
for some reason, renting was really hard for me.
although we were so thankful for the house we were in, the amazing owners, the pool {oh we will miss that bad this summer} and the yard {already missing that}, it just never felt like home.
do you know what i mean?

this house fits us perfectly.
it's cozy and pretty and i love it. :)

so i wanted to show you my sweet chair that i finally updated for our bedroom.
it's a 1940's chair that i bought at a yard sale a few years ago with the intent to recover it.
it lived briefly in our living room and then was sent to our bedroom.
and i never recovered it the whole 2 years we lived there....possibly bc i was preggers and then had a newborn. . . possibly.

so here's the before {from our last house} . . .

beautiful lines and wood, not the right fabric.
i love the wood, but we already have so much dark furniture in our room, that i wanted to paint it white to lighten it up a bit.
sadly, the pretty wood design on the sides had to go.
it was cardboard thin and didn't make it through 3 boys.

i painted the wood white with some paint i had in the garage.

i recovered the cushions with a linen fabric that i found on the clearance table at hancock's.
i just laid the cushions down on the fabric, and cut around it using the cushion as a guide.
no measuring or anything complicated like that. ;)

okay the after.....

i love how she turned out.
fresh and clean and just so pretty, i think. :)

here's a little peek at this side of our room.

looking at this picture makes me think i need to get new frames for our dresser...too much dark going on up there.
our room typically tends to be on the bottom of the totem pole for decorating so i'm hoping to do better with that.

and because i love a before and after as much as anyone, how about a side by side. . .

oh happy day. :)

linking up with today's creative blog  & yolo mondays & 

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  1. What a beautiful redo! It looks so romantic now, perfect for a master bedroom.

  2. Perfect redo as always!!!! I'm closing on my new home 2 weeks from today! I have so many plans for my master already. I guess I'm the oposite!!!

  3. Hello,
    Very nice and you made it sound easy. White furniture is so fresh and clean. Good job!


    Found you on My Thrifty Chic

  4. She's a beauty! I saw one so similar to that on CL and really wanted it, but no place for it. Great job!

  5. Perfection. Loooove it. I'm impressed with your reupholstering skillz!

  6. Awesome makeover!! Looks so much more modern and fresh, great job:)

  7. So pretty! You should come share at the Give Me the Goods Link Party {1 party, 4 Blogs!}
    Dimples & Pig Tales

  8. I want this chair. Remember, my birthday is coming up and I don't want you to spend any money on me. So, think about it.

    Also, you are on BetterAfter, you know that, right?

  9. This chair looks very beautiful and comfortable to sit as well. I want to buy a chair like this for my mom.

  10. You made it so nicely. White furniture is so fresh and clean. Good job!


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