Sunday, May 12, 2013

mother's day :)

i am loved so well by my sweet family.
they always try hard to make my day really special.
so thankful for them.

breakfast in bed. yummy treats. sweet notes.

our best attempt at getting a pic of mama and her kiddos.

sweet finley had the idea to bring flowers to our next door neighbor.
she's a single mom with a son in kindergarten.
we've really enjoyed getting to know them.
finley said her son wouldn't be able to go out and buy her anything so we should get her something.
i love his sweet heart and that he is thinking of others!
the boys delivered them before church. :)

they got me flowers too, but i forgot to take a pic......and i don't want to get out of my chair right now ;) ....a dozen red roses....avery picked out the color. ;)

after church we changed clothes, picked up sandwiches and headed to lake fayetteville.
it's one of our favorite places to hike around and enjoy God's beauty.
i love to be outside on a beautiful day so this was perfect. :)

having some peaceful time in nature is exactly what my soul needed today.

hope all you mamas had a special day today.
and for you sweet friends who are praying that you become a mama...i'm saying a prayer for you right now....that you feel so loved and wrapped in Jesus' arms.  and that He would bless you with the desire of your heart.

have a good night, friends. :)

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  1. To create a such kind of article is really awesome,I daily read your blogs and give my announcement for that here this article is too great and so attractive.

  2. Well that last paragraph made me tear up a little!!! I'm glad you had such a great day. You are truly blessed!!

  3. All this and a giveaway win!!! It was a good day!!!

  4. I've missed your posts! You're not showing in my reading list anymore. :( I had to Google you to find your blog. Any idea what's up?
    I know you don't know me, but I'm kind of addicted to your insta mondays and thrift store thursdays!
    I'm glad you had a precious mother's day!!!

    1. that is so weird! I don't you have in your google reader? i definitely need to investigate!!
      thank you so much!!

  5. Well, I'm that single mom with the Kindergartner who has been blessed with the most amazing neighbors. Kason and I have truly enjoyed getting to know Sara, AJ, and their sweet kids. For them to think of us on Mother's Day was such a special moment. Kason was able to make me a lovely vase and card at school, which he was so excited to give me, so I was doubly spoiled once I got the beautiful flowers on Mother's Day. I know He led us to this home to be around such a wonderful family. Funny thing is we bought our houses on the same day!! Thanks again for the kind gesture!

  6. Wow, the pictures looks so good and it seems you had a wonderful time with your kids. But I really miss my mom a lot in this special day.


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