Thursday, May 2, 2013

thrift store thursday

today was a great thrifting day. :)

okay first things first, i told you i'd show you the after of the lamp redo i did last week.

she's lovely.
remember her before?

and after . . .

oh man i dig that glossy gray spray paint.

doesn't that just make you happy?
i love it.

okay now for today...first i ran to ph thrift {obviously} and i walked out with this chandelier for . . . wait for it. . .  50 cents.
FIFTY CENTS. 50. half a dollar. 50.

okay not a great picture but it's the same as this:

it's the same kind of fixture that i redid for a chandelier two houses ago and one for ruby's room. 

i actually got it for my friend, erin.
i already took the shades off and we will turn the arms facing up, spray paint it, and add chandy light bulbs.
50 cents is definitely a chandelier record.

next i drove to my hometown to hang out & go thrifting with my sweet friend, jenny.
jenny and i have very similar tastes so it is really fun to go thrifting with her.

okay not the best pic of us {it was cold & drizzly out}, but it's documented. :)

we went to a fun store called the chicken coop.
i had to snap a pic of these sweet scrappy garland.

so cute!
reminds me of the the fabric scrap garland that i made for ruby's first birthday party.
i think i will make something similar for our living room.

jenny spotted this awesome, chippy, metal rack for me!
5.99, yes. please.

i already hung it up in our kitchen. . . by myself.
so it will probably fall down in a week, but i was so antsy to get it up.

i have no idea what i will put on it, but i love it. :)

i also found this solid, wood trunk for the boys dress up clothes.

like . . . it's super nice.
guess how much i paid for it?
$35. yep.  i am the thrifting queen. :)
the lady at the front actually stopped us as we were hauling it out because she thought it was marked for $125.
she made us wait while she called to vendor!
i knew it was a steal, but thankfully $35 was the actual price so hooray for me!

avery and i hauled it up the stairs tonight so all those dress up clothes could finally find a home.
you know other than the beautiful rubbermade tub that they been hanging out in.

right outside the chicken coop was a big yard sale.
mostly it was too cold {hello what happened to spring?} but i did nab this cool old thermos for the booth.

okay, next up we hit vintage accents.
it's my favorite place to hit up...they have amazing vintage finds for really great prices.

look at this cool piece that would be an amazing coffee table......

i wanted to buy about 20 things but i walked away with two long pieces of barn wood.

they're about 5 feet long . . . see i'll prove it with a the cold rain....that's how much i love you guys....or how weird i am to be hugging barn wood in the rain......

i plan to use them for shelving in the dining room.
can't wait!

it was such a fun morning, i can't wait to do it again.
jenny and i are dreaming of a much longer thrifting excursion in the future...two hours just isn't enough. :)

happy thrifting, y'all!!
p.s. what have y'all found lately?

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  1. Died. Between that shelf and trunk, I'm ready to raid your house.

  2. I love your Thrift Store Thursday posts! I love to thrift! :) That chandelier find was awesome and I love the trunk! What a deal! You found some great ones today, I love thrift days like that! :)


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