Friday, May 3, 2013


i like instagram.
it's simple. pretty pictures. not a bunch of junk.
{i don't however understand all the parents letting their pre-teens have their own account...but whatevs....i guess everybody gets to parent their own children how they want..... ;)}

i'm itsgoodtobequeen if you'd like to follow all the exciting times of the queen & her court. :)

so here's a smattering of the last few weeks . . .

spring soccer.
not for the faint of heart.
it's been cold and drizzly every. single. saturday.
also how does my sweet fin look so old?!

this little thing brings us so much joy.
her sweet smile makes my day.
and she is loving her first ever painted toenails.

more ruby.
eating cereal like such a big girl.
oh her little hand kills me!

cozy house on a rainy day.
we are really starting to feel at home here.
we are loving this house and feeling settled. so happy.

also, in typical arkansas fashion, the weather has been nutso.
80's one day, cold and rainy the next.
in fact, it's snowy and cold today.
honestly though, i haven't minded it.
it gives me an excuse to be in my sweats all day and cozy up with my sweet kiddos.
plus i like it that our Maker is so unpredictable.
just a reminder that He's in control, not us. :)

love notes.
13 1/2 years later and we still can't get enough of each other.  :)

last saturday was the first in what seems like forever that we've been able to sleep in & wake up slowly with our kids.
i love snuggling with my girl in the morning.
p.s. by sleeping in, i mean like 7:00. :)

then we got up and at 'em and got some cleaning done.
a productive morning makes this mama happy!

big time saturday night lego building.
that's how we roll.

aunt tonya bought the boys paper mache' kits.
okay so yes, it did give them a solid hour of entertainment....but seriously, the mess.

on the bright side, we had a nice day for painting their creations, outside, so alls well that ends well.
still tonya, i'm buying your kids moon sand.

split peas, measuring cups, muffin tins....perfect to keep a busy little girl occupied.....and apparently her big brothers too.

i got the idea from someone else on instagram...except they were using rice.
seriously, it was amazing. she played with it for a solid two hours.
best idea ever.

sweet friends.
meliyah is such a great helper and so so sweet with ruby.
love these two girls to pieces.

well hip hip hooray it's friday.
have a great weekend friends!

linking up with instafriday here.....
life rearranged

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