Friday, May 24, 2013

instafriday {lots o' pictures}

pretty much my phone is my camera lately.
are you like this?
i really need to get better about bringing my big camera out more.
i've gotten so spoiled from using my phone cam all the time. 
soooo.....i've got lots of pics today. 

here's a snippet of our last few weeks via the instagram . . . 

a happy place to wash dishes.
my grandma's handwritten recipe card, fabric art from the sis-in-law, plant from my dear friend, mel, & chevron cutting board from my friend betsy. 
milk glass loaf pan for soaps doesn't hurt. ;)

pre-mother's day sushi date with my mama.
yes. it was SO good.

oh sawyer.
daily dressed as someone new.
he had to dress nice for the big boys' piano recital so he went with secret agent.
he fixed his own hair.
also informed me "secret agents don't wear dress shoes."


piano recital cuties.
they did awesome!!

and the whole fam. :)

last day of school!!!!!

fun field trip with my boys to silver dollar city.
we stayed the entire day and closed out the park in the pouring rain.
such a great day, packed full of fun with friends. :)

a long day last week = picnic & movie night in the living room.

she has pretty clothes.
and she is pretty. :)

the booth is chock full of goodies! 
if you're local {northwest arkansas} stop on by {all my treasures on huntsville in fayetteville}.
i'll be adding more to the booth this afternoon...yay for vintage & farmhouse finds! :)

i love this sweet little dress from india from our friend, chelsea.

oh ruby.
you are so very one year old.
can we please stop dumping things out in every room of the house? 

summer is starting off right.
fun morning with my four and other providence friends at the botanical gardens.
butterflies, chickens, bunnies & water. :)

oh and flowers.
so many pretty flowers.
i dream of a big beautiful garden full of flowers.
these are shrub roses.
they smelled divine and i need them.

i am mad about these boys.
they are seriously the best i could imagine.

oh this is me.
a little bit vintage and a little bit a nutshell. ;)

the littles had their last day of mothers day out yesterday so i took the big boys to crystal bridges museum of american art. 
we saw the norman rockwell exhibit and it was awesome!
i love that my boys love to learn. 

i'm pretty much in love with these chippy, metal, vintage tables my mom brought me.
one for me and one for the booth!

well hip hip hooray it's friday and this is a 3 day weekend! 
have a great memorial weekend, y'all. :)

life rearranged

p.s.  if you want to follow me along on instagram, i'm itsgoodtobequeen :)
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  1. yes, i prefer taking pictures from my phone,its just convenient that way! you have a very pretty family and i super love your vintage and country look!

    Delightful Ideas

  2. sara,love all of the pictures. sooo cute.
    question: where did you get those great trays the kids are suing while watching the wizard of oz? oh my goodness...I have to get them for my kids.
    have a great weekend.

  3. meant "using" not suing. hahaha. have to recheck what I write next time.

  4. You have a big darling family !!
    Surely its make your days wonderful :)


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