Thursday, May 30, 2013

thrift store thursday {mid-century edition} thrifting is such a hodge podge lately of stopping in at yard sales or thrift stores when i can.
taking all four kids into a thrift store is not really the most fun.
i don't like feeling rushed when i'm thrifting. ;)

thankfully my mom loves antique malls, flea markets & vintage finds so she has been my personal shopper lately.

she bought me a whole slew of goodies last are some of my faves.

vintage, mid-century "serving oven."
also known as a bun warmer.
love this...really hard not to keep for myself.

another mid-century gem.
gold cracker basket.
so sassy, i love it.
{p.s. mid-century is my fave}

perfect condition, probably never taken out of the box, probably saved for "fancy," juice glasses.
are these the cutest little glasses ever? the answer is yes.

oh my word.
i LOVE this tray.
she brought two.
i HAD to keep one. had to. no choice. it's amazing.
corally red, gold, scandinavian-esque, also looks like it'd never been used.

oh these tables.
again she brought me a pair and again i snagged one for myself.
metal, folding, pink chippy tables.
i'm a fan.
but i am thinking about painting mine....can't decide.
what do you think...should i??

so that's my little booth. :)

also...unrelated...remember how our trampoline ended up in our neighbors' woods last week during the tornadoish weather?
AJ thought it was done.
it looked rough.

but hip hip hooray, that thing lives another day.
aj and our other neighbor friend were able to roll it out and back to our yard.
we got the poles & net back's a little worse for the wear, but it works!
yay. that was a happy surprise.

happy thursday friends....what treasures have y'all found lately???
please share. :) Pin It


  1. Yay for the salvaged trampoline! :) I would definitely paint that table. Well, *I* probably wouldn't because I'm lazy, and spray paint is not my friend, but YOU totally should! :) Maybe turquoise or a bright green?

  2. Juice glasses in box!? Ahhhhhh! And yes, always paint!

  3. I love that tray too. What a great find. You make me want to go to thrift store shopping!

  4. Fun finds! I think your little table needs to go turquoise to go with your darling yellow chair!

  5. I love the tray and the glass set. I think I too have to buy a tray for my kitchen as well.


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